Will Middlebrooks manscapes and I almost lose my frickin' mind

Scott Levesque (@scottlevesque)
Managing Editor

Have you ever experienced one of those moment where you read something and a song instantly crashing into your brain like a 4-year old learning how to ride a bike for the first time?

I'm not sure if that word-picture fully describes just how annoying those moments are - especially when you want that frickin' song out of your head - but hopefully your getting the point.

That very scenario happened to me yesterday after reading Red Sox third baseman Will Middlebrook's tweet regarding his recent manscaping adventure.

So join me as I try to recreate that bizarre scenario stated above, and be warned, this tune is uncomfortably catchy.

Seriously, like for the love of GAWD stop playing over and over in my head, kind of catchy...

You have been warned.

The tune of interest...