Scattered Weekend Thoughts
I'm moving this weekend, but I'll try to check in on this. Comments welcome. If Roy Oswalt decides to sign with the Sox, tell him I'm a big fan!
I'm optimistic about Nick Punto. I like the idea of defense coming first at short.
I feel like Edwin Jackson is coming here, and that he'll be good. Just gut feelings in both cases.
If Adrian Gonzalez is healthy, he'll have a huge year.
David Oritz is going to slip a bit. Merely good, not great. The man has spoiled us rotten for years, though.
Both Josh Beckett and Jon Lester are going to be really eager to prove something, hopefully with good results.
Carl Crawford's surgery is good news. In retrospect I'll bet that was bothering him before he admitted it to himself. Like JR said, I hope he doesn't rush back, but given the length of his contract, I don't think the Red Sox will let him rush back.
Some important Yankees are as old as the hills, but they still have a lot of good players in their prime. As do the Sox.
Justin Verlander won't win 26 games this year, but a lot of people seem to think he'll win a lot, for many years. That will be interesting to watch.
I think Albert Pujols will be scary to watch. Normally a player switching from the National League, and of his age (which could be higher than we know), would drop off quite a bit. But El Hombre probably won't.
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Has the truck left? I assume someone has studied this, but is it really not cheaper to keep stuff down in Florida?
Best wishes to Tim Wakefield. I think we have to assume he's not coming back. But he could work as a mental health consultant. He throws a pitch he can't control, and it's brought him great success, but occasionally great pain. Granted, he's been well paid to do it, but few pro players -- few anybodies -- could handle that kind of uncertainty.
Can you picture a Manny Ramirez Super Bowl ad? Not this year, but someday, I'll wager.
I'm optimistic about Nick Punto. I like the idea of defense coming first at short.
I feel like Edwin Jackson is coming here, and that he'll be good. Just gut feelings in both cases.
If Adrian Gonzalez is healthy, he'll have a huge year.
David Oritz is going to slip a bit. Merely good, not great. The man has spoiled us rotten for years, though.
Both Josh Beckett and Jon Lester are going to be really eager to prove something, hopefully with good results.
Carl Crawford's surgery is good news. In retrospect I'll bet that was bothering him before he admitted it to himself. Like JR said, I hope he doesn't rush back, but given the length of his contract, I don't think the Red Sox will let him rush back.
Some important Yankees are as old as the hills, but they still have a lot of good players in their prime. As do the Sox.
Justin Verlander won't win 26 games this year, but a lot of people seem to think he'll win a lot, for many years. That will be interesting to watch.
I think Albert Pujols will be scary to watch. Normally a player switching from the National League, and of his age (which could be higher than we know), would drop off quite a bit. But El Hombre probably won't.
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Has the truck left? I assume someone has studied this, but is it really not cheaper to keep stuff down in Florida?
Best wishes to Tim Wakefield. I think we have to assume he's not coming back. But he could work as a mental health consultant. He throws a pitch he can't control, and it's brought him great success, but occasionally great pain. Granted, he's been well paid to do it, but few pro players -- few anybodies -- could handle that kind of uncertainty.
Can you picture a Manny Ramirez Super Bowl ad? Not this year, but someday, I'll wager.