It Seems Early to Declare a "Wedge"

Christopher Gasper has a piece in the Globe that is sure to get noticed.
A wedge appears to be forming between new manager Bobby Valentine and new general manager Ben Cherington on the best way to employ Daniel Bard, starter or reliever, and the best place to employ shortstop prospect Jose Iglesias, Fenway Park or Pawtucket.
(snip)We have the first sign of discord in this shotgun marriage. Whose evaluation wins out, Valentine’s or Cherington’s, is going to signal how the Sox are going to be run and who wields the power in baseball operations.
The Sox can talk about collaborative processes and multifactorial reviews all they want, but at the end of the day someone gets the final say.
These are the disputes?
Here's a guess who wields the power: Cherington. Any GM, in the Moneyball era, is more powerful than any manager. Maybe someone like Tony LaRussa or Joe Torre could eventually get their way on some issues, but those guys are gone, aren't they?
Another Globe item of interest is these pictures. It's worth it for the nun day shot alone.