John Lackey eats his words, still has room for dinner
From: ESPN Boston
Red Sox pitcher John Lackey issued the following statement Tuesday:The words in question? They came when Lackey was asked about the reported fried chicken and beer in the clubhouse. Big John responded with this winner:
"I apologize for my thoughtless choice of words that appeared in print earlier today. I meant no harm, and I am sorry to all I offended."
"Guys having a beer after their start has been going on for the last 100 years. This is retarded,"I'll tell you what - there are a few words that are rapidly gaining traction to join the list of words that you just can't say in an interview. While describing something as "retarded" has yet to get the attention that calling something "gay" has garnered - it's not far off. You really just can't say it, John. I understand the way you were trying to use it, big guy. But if you want to use the word "retarded" in an interview, then you are guilty of being your intended definition of "retarded". John Lackey could have just said that the reports of beer in the clubhouse were stupid, but instead he was the one who ended up sounding - as he would put it - "retarded".