Reggie Jackson is an idiot

From Eric Wilbur:
"In an interview with, Reggie Jackson took issue with Red Sox manager Bobby Valentine's praise of the former Boston catcher upon his retirement last month, when Valentine listed that Varitek was "able to beat up Alex" among his career accomplishments.
Writes Andrew Marchand:
Upon rehearing that quote, Jackson pulled the pin on a verbal grenade and tossed it in Varitek's unsuspecting direction.
"What's Varitek's first name?" Jackson asked.
It is Jason.
"They don't ask that about Alex," Jackson said, making his point clear and taking on the role as A-Rod's designated press secretary.
"I had to ask you Jason Varitek's first name. They don't ask that about Alex. They are not going to ask that about Alex Rodriguez. You are going to know his first name and his last name. And besides it, there are going to be 2,000 ribbies, 700 home runs and whatever else he adds up to. He may have a negative in there, but love him or hate him, you cannot ignore him. I can't put Varitek in that paragraph."
This has got to be one of the most ignorant arguments for a player that I've ever heard. All Bobby Valentine was doing was praising a guy that had given his heart and soul to the organization and asked nothing in return - and Reggie Jackson wants to go and try to sully Tek's reputation. Maybe Reggie Jackson just can't relate because he treated the MLB like he was a modern  day NBA superstar. Constantly complaining about money and bitching about his managers and teammates. Yeah, there's a reason he's called Mr. October - I get that,
but you can't sit there and tell me that he can compare to Varitek when it comes to love of the game. Neither can ARod for that matter. So I'm going to go ahead and say that Reggie and ARod aren't in the same paragraph as Varitek. Not even close. Give me a team full of Jason Variteks versus a team of prima donna's and martyrs anyday. I hope I see these two at a restaurant one day. I'll wait right until the waiter brings them their food. (Which obviously they brought from home for the restaurant to heat up.) Then I'll run up, smash it in their face and run away screaming, "Yankees suck!" All while wearing Theo's guerrilla suit, obviously.