
It's a classic free agent gamble, because he reportedly wants seven years and $175 million (he's 31), but it also has the twist of Hamilton's history, which is famously checkered. And it's certainly interesting that his own team drew the line at three years.
Some people seem to think he wouldn't be a fit in Boston (too emotional). That's entirely possible.
But it seems to me that the main obstacle is the recent Red Sox history with free agents. Daisuke was pretty much a bust; so was John Lackey (though he may come back), and the megadeals, Carl Crawford and Adrian Gonzalez ... well, you know. Once bitten, twice shy, and they've been bitten several times.
I think I'm talking myself into Hamilton for the Sox. It sounds like a sports movie, doesn't it? The star with a troubled past joins a troubled team ... maybe these crazy kids just have a chance!
Or not. But it aint my money. And Josh Hamilton has a sweet swing.