Steven Wright: Tim Wakefield 2.0

Looks like Red Sox manager John Farrell will have an opportunity to watch knuckleballer Steven Wright on Monday as Boston will take on Toronto in Dundein. Could this be the second coming of Tim Wakefield? I’m not willing to go that far yet, but this is an intriguing opportunity for the knuckleballer as he’ll have Farrell’s full attention during the game.

Wright needs to focus on the game at hand, relying heavily on catcher Jarrod Saltalamacchia, but Farrell has some key points he’ll be watching for as Wright throws for the first time in a live game situation.

"It will come down to how willing he is to throw that pitch behind in the count and can he throw it over the plate," said Farrell of some keys. "Secondly, it's the ability to control the running game. Those are the primary keys you focus in on a knuckleball pitcher."

To begin the season Wright will be designated for Pawtucket, but he may have an opportunity to crack the major league rotation during the season if the injury bug strikes or performance issues arise.

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