Iglesias and Ciriaco make a splash

Contributing Writer
Red Sox get big contributions from Jose Iglesias and Pedro Ciriaco in Saturday's 7-4 win over the Cleveland Indians. With Will Middlebrooks going on the disabled list and Stephen Drew needing some time off after getting hurt on a slide, Iglesias and Ciriaco were called upon to step up and they did.
Playing in 21 games this year Ciriaco has had a quiet bad an surprisingly weak glove in the field. Pedro's batting average raised after yesterday's game but only up to .227, not the output Boston was hoping to get out of their utility infielder. Again Ciriaco's defense didn't help the Sox much yesterday but his bat sure did, Pedro went 3-4 with a double,RBI, and a run scored. With Drew back in the lineup today, Dustin Pedroia never missing a game, and Iglesisas back up Ciriaco will see limited playing time moving forward.
After a hot start to the 2013 season Jose Iglesias was sent down to Pawtucket to make room for the returning Drew at shortstop. Many people, like myself, didn't necessarily like that move from John Farrell and wanted to see the youngster play more at the big league level. Iglesias was struggling down in Triple A Pawtucket hitting an ice cold .202 average, thankfully it looks like he brought new bats to Fenway this weekend. Like Ciriaco, Jose also went 3-4 yesterday with a double and two runs. It'll be interesting to see what the Red Sox choose to do when Middlebrooks returns from the DL. I personally would like to see the kid stay up with the Red Sox but if he's not going to be getting the playing time he should be sent back down to get in the at bats there. Only time will tell with that but fans hope to see the good bat from Jose while he remains with the big club.