Ellsbury back to producing for the Sox

Sam Galanis
Contributing Writer

Jacoby Ellsbury was back Wednesday night against the Rockies in his first start since September 5. He only played until the bottom of the fourth, but he still managed to come back producing. He went 1-for-2 with a walk and two runs.

Ellsbury sustained a compression fracture to his right foot on August 29, playing on it for about a week until taking a three week break.

Anthony Gruppuso-USA TODAY Sports
"It's a healing bone," Ellsbury said according to MLB.com’s Ian Browne. "It doesn't heal itself in a week. Yeah, I mean I was just happy to get out there, play, run around. Kind of did everything I needed to do. Sprint down the line, run for a ball in the gap, just do everything I needed to do. Plan was to get me three at-bats. We got 'em early today, so it was good."

Ellsbury plans on finishing the regular season, a three-game series in Baltimore, and hopes to possibly go for nine innings before the Red Sox start the postseason on October 4. The Sox still fared well without him, going 10-6 during his time off, but, as John Farrell told Browne, it’s a much different ballgame with him.

"Well, he can impact a game, obviously, as soon as he gets on base," Farrell said. "It's a threat. Every pitch that's thrown, he's got the potential to steal. And what's been most impressive with the running game with him is his efficiency with 52 steals and I think only four caught."

And it seems like Ellsbury will be back in top shape by the time playoffs start, which will only help the Sox.

"Yeah it was a nice game back," Ellsbury said. "I'm definitely excited about it. I felt pretty good out there."

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