Someone just bought a World Series ticket for $6 on StubHub!! What, wait?!
Managing Editor
Please enjoy this sweet coming of age tale where a 32-year old baseball fanatic finds riches beyond his wildest dreams only to have them dashed by a site that uses the word "Stub" in it's name.
Please enjoy this sweet coming of age tale where a 32-year old baseball fanatic finds riches beyond his wildest dreams only to have them dashed by a site that uses the word "Stub" in it's name.
Don't worry though, like all worthwhile stories there's a happy ending to this mess. In fact, the man's not only rewarded with bountiful riches, but they're handed over to him on a frickin' silver platter.
But don't take it from me, just sit back and watch for yourself as RedSoxLife presents, 'The Man Who Bought a World Series Ticket For $6 Dollars, Had To Give It Back, But Was Given Another One For Free So Don't Feel Sorry For The Dude.' (also playing in 3-D and IMAX)