Shame Shame A-Rod

Recently I compared Ellsbury to Pete Rose by saying that maybe we are in the era of the new and improved "Charlie Hustle". Well, leave it to a jackamo yankee, I mean THE jackamo yankee, to try and one up us. It now looks as if the MLB may suspend alex rodriguez for his participation in illegal gambling. Wow! Sometimes those idiots to the south make it waaay to easy to be a Red Sox fan. Not that I didn't loath A-Rod more than anybody else on the entire planet already, but this guy is a complete and total fool. He's a bush league player, and a cheater, from slapping the ball out of Arroyo's glove to calling for a pop up while running past Toronto's Howie Clark on his way to third base a few years ago. Now we can assume that he is a crook. We are Red Sox Law, so we don't have to be democratic when it comes to the yankees. We can assume and consider him guilty until proven innocent. I know this isn't breaking news but I never miss an opportunity to bash a yankee, especially when that yankee is alex rodriguez . Ok head jackamo, I'll make a bet with ya. I bet you get swept this weekend. "Nuff Said!"